2023 "KWIATY"
Studio 3ONE33
Warsaw, Poland
Flow Art House
Fabryka Norblina
2020 "8 KOBIET"
Studio 3ONE33
Warsaw, Poland
Cukry, Praga ,Warsaw
2019 "MAPPING"
Studio 3ONE33
Warsaw, Poland
2017 "The Moon Eternal Time Keeper"
Cafe Gazeta
2016 "Architektura Jazzu"
Cafe Gazeta
"Between Heaven & Earth"
Galeria Delfiny,Warsaw
2015 "Atelier" May
"PustOstan" June
"PustOstan' July
2013 Opening of ArtRoom at Mokotowska 9,
Studio 3ONE33
Warsaw, Poland
2017 "The Moon Eternal Time Keeper"
Cafe Gazeta
2016 "Architektura Jazzu"
Cafe Gazeta
"Between Heaven & Earth"
Galeria Delfiny,Warsaw
2015 "Atelier" May
"PustOstan" June
"PustOstan' July
2013 Opening of ArtRoom at Mokotowska 9,
Warsaw, Poland
"Patchwork II"
"Final Show"
"Final Show"
2012 Exhibition at ArtRoom in Factory space,
Just Mad3 art Fair Madrid
2011 Work on SinaiSnowBall, Dahab, Egypt
Art Fair Turin
2010 Work on Installation Paper/Glass/Plastic
Exhibitions in private show rooms
Biały Kamień Contemporary
2009 MONOTYPES Exhibition
at Klima Bocheńska Gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2008 MURALE PRL Exhibition of photography
in “YOLA Studio”, Warsaw, Poland
2006/07 Light installation Project
at F. Chopin airport (Warsaw, Poland)
2005 Theatre Collegium Nobilium Warsaw
Art at Weekend Warsaw
2004 Exhibition at Galeria Kontynenty
(Galeria Sztuk Pięknych) Warsaw
2003 Exhibition at Nering + Stern Galery, Berlin
2002 Freta&Porter Warsaw
Art Forum Warsaw
Galeria Bezdomna Gdańsk, Warsaw
2001 “In a blink of an eye”, (photography)
Mala Gallery ZPAF-CSW, Warsaw
1998 Series of 3 “Sunday exhibition”, Warsaw
1997 “Behind glass”, (photography)
Mala Gallery ZPAF-CSW, Warsaw
1996 Installation piece (Rep. of South Africa)
1992 Exhibition in Polish Institute in Berlin
1991 Theatre set designs,
Adaptation of “Ulisses” J.Joyce, Transformer Theatre, Lisbon, Portugal
Teatr na Szwedzkiej, Warsaw, Poland
1990 Major group touring show, Watermans Art Centre U.K.
1988 Portrait Show, South Hill Park, Bracknell, UK
Print Show, St. Pauls Gallery, Leeds, UK
Brixton Gallery Retrospective, London, UK
A.C.G.B. Award granted to organize national touring show
1987 Print Show, South Hill Park, Bracknell, UK
Mixed exhibition, Worcester Art Gallery, UK
1986 6 Polish women,Polish Cultural Centre (POSK)
Hammersmith (GLA Funded), London, UK
Brixton Art Gallery (GLA Award), London, UK
The Crypt Bloomsbury, London, UK
Swindon Town Hall, UK
1985 Roadwork, Brixton Art Gallery, London, UK
2 weeks of public printing accompanied by a parallel
show of 40 large face drawing and related photographs (GLA Funded)
1984 Whitechapel Open, London, UK
Chisenhale Studios set design and light for performance group
Wag Club, Brighton (performance), London, UK
1983 London Group, Camden Arts Centre, London, Uk
Battersea Arts Centre (photographic group exhibition), London, UK
1982 Whitechapel Open, London, UK
1980 Stowells of Chelsea
(exhibition at Royal Academy, London)